FASHION TALES_IV_ "The white clones 1"
Un collage di immagini di tazze da té giapponesi e altre texture nelle tonalità del bianco e del grigio sono spunto per una mini collezione in cui le differenze tra i modelli vengono annullate dalla ripetitività di alcuni elementi: la modella albina, le forme arrotondate, le proporzioni eccessive, il quasi totale monocromatismo.
A collage of images of Japanese tea cups and other textures in shades of white and gray are a starting point for a mini collection in which the differences between the dresses are canceled by the repetition of some elements: the albino models, the rounded shapes, the excessive proportions, the almost total monochromatism.
A collage of images of Japanese tea cups and other textures in shades of white and gray are a starting point for a mini collection in which the differences between the dresses are canceled by the repetition of some elements: the albino models, the rounded shapes, the excessive proportions, the almost total monochromatism.
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